Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Fashionista Of The Week: Sarath Say

Sarath is someone I have always admired when it came to fashion. Her look is very chic, young, stylist, and trendsetting. No matter what occasion it was, Sarath can and will pull off the perfect look. Even from the work place to happy hour she seems to always stand out! I was able to chat with the fashionista to learn more about her style.

 Q: What/who inspires your style?
A: When it comes to fashion, there is no specific famous person whom I pull ideas from. Ironically, I get a lot of my fashion senses from a man whom I dated for a few years. He helped piece items together for me at first and before you knew it, I took my training wheels off and here I am! lol

Q: Where are your favorite places to shop?
A:I do a lot of my shopping online, i.e Asos topshop etc. typically international website, it just looks different. Reason being also is because I am a bargain shopping (believe it or not LOL) you are able to search discount codes to apply to your purchase! Also, I LOVE MY LOCAL BOUTIQUE! SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY PEOPLE! 

Q: Who are your favorite designers?
A: Although I am a label whore, I love supporting aspiring fashion designer, it's just fresh. 

Q: What is your favorite era?
A: My favorite Era has got to be now because you got everything now. You're able to throw in the 60's fresh in with an 80's bottom with the new millennium shoes. The evolution is amazing.

Q: How does your style today compare to your style when you were in high school?
A: hah, oh gosh. High school, it was a Dora backpack with Jordan's and a matching t-shirt. Please don't pull out the year book.

Q: How would you describe/categorize your style?
A: COMFY! When do I ever not look comfy? Marilyn Monroe taught me ''Your clothes should be tight enough to show you're a woman but loose enough to show you're a lady''.

Q: How influenced are you by trends? Do you follow them? How do you work them into your unique style?
A:  Nah, trends are for followers. If I shall lead, the leaders shall follow. 

Q:What celebrities have a style that you admire?
A: Sophia Amoruso, she's dope! 

Q: According to you, what are the must have garments a woman MUST have in her closet?
A: Cardigan! Regardless of price or brand. You can dress up or down a cardigan. Best garment ever created! GOD BLESS CARDIGAN!

Q:What advice would you give a fashionista in training?
A: Figure out who you are first, you must be able to convince yourself before you can convince other. If you're not a sexy individual, don't throw on something sexy cause then, you'll just look uncomfortable and that will be a good outfit wasted.

Q:What is the one item you have no problem emptying your wallet for?
A: Without a doubt, shoes! I have shoes ranging anywhere from $7.50 to $1,500.00. If I want it, I will buy it. No questions ask!.

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